Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sweet Numbers

This is the first post of a thread entitled "Sweet Numbers."

The gist of it is that when you're talking shop, when you're chewing the fat, when you're shootin' the shit with your fellow businessmen about (what else) business - it's always a good idea to have a few interesting statistics in your ammo belt to dish out and impress everyone with. So here are a few.

"India is expected to become the world’s most populous country by 2035. It is already the youngest: home to 20 percent of the world’s people under 24 years of age."
Gupta, Rajat. "A Healthier Future for India." McKinsey Quarterly. January 2008

Why is that cool? Well, the article is about the importance of developing the health care industry in India, but that is a SWEET NUMBER for a very different reason: marketing. As India grows in wealth, so shall their spending - and having the youngest country in the world, as well as the most populous, means you're probably going to be doing a lot of business SELLING to Indians in the near future.


  1. This is a tits idea for a thread and a sweet number indeed.

  2. What sort of American companies would be interested in expanding in this market? Gold was brought up since so many Indians wear it as religious symbols, but what else? Considering the religion, how would companies like McDonald's expand in a country where no meat is consumed?


As of 02/26/08

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