Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Links of the Day

The WSJ has a pretty sweet blog I'll be posting from often - mostly because the content of this blog probably shouldn't include tech news unless it is pertinent to discussions about finance or the economy.

I don't know how much everyone knows about business, so I'm gonna write for those who don't know a thing. For those bros with chops, just click on the link to get what you WANT. WHAT YOU NEED!

This first article talks about the state of private equity. Just as a quick and dirty introduction, private equity is essentially a sector of companies which are privately owned and managed . PE firms have varied roles, but they all essentially finance (give money to) companies in return for partial/complete ownership by the PE firm. Companies can also find financing through banks (borrowing, or leveraging, money is called debt) or by offering stakes of their companies on a public exchange in the form of an IPO (initial public offering). In fact, PE firms oftentimes buy up companies so that they can later sell them in an IPO.

Private Equity and the Paralysis of Cash

And this is an awesome article about what type of banker might have been responsible for the subprime mess, and inadvertently has a lot of good information about different types of bankers for those of you who are having trouble figuring out what the hell else you can do with a finance degree aside from ibanking.

Should the Feds Set Banker Pay?

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