Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Worst to First

This rally has been fueled by the companies that got hit the hardest in the downturn, that is, the most cyclical companies and the most debt-laden companies. Yes, the “strong” companies did not get hit as hard when things turned south (and many of these “strong” companies were consumer staples companies), but these same companies have yet to bounce with the rest of the market. Looking forward, the upside for these highly-levered companies relies heavily on many quarters of robust economic growth and I just do not see that happening. We have way too many big picture issues to sort out before we can move higher (i.e. healthcare reform, bank regulation/standards, energy independence, national debt burden, etc.). I am looking to buy dividend-paying companies with strong balance sheets, such as Proctor & Gamble, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and PepsiCo.

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