Saturday, February 23, 2008

Deutsche Bank Scams Poor Idiots

To break my silence, I thought I'd put up a marginally interesting read about Deutsche Bank (the future employer of Mr. David "Biff" Light and Mr. Daniel Morrison Wenhold). The jist of it is this, Deutsche Bank has been fairly successful in avoiding the whole sub-prime mess, but they're getting hit by lawsuits for selling overly complicated derivatives to corporations and local-government authorities. More or less, they suckered people into undertaking dangerous interest rate swaps (you learn about these in FIN 300 ... maybe?) that made Deutsche shit tons of money at the other peoples expense. Anyways, it's good to know Biff and Danny will be providing their services to such a morally upstanding institution. An interesting read if you've got a minute, but a lot of it is probably over most people's - including mine - heads.

Deutsche Bank - Snakes and Ladders


  1. I have 2 words for this bull: caveat emptor. It's not our fault people are idiots and buy things they don't understand...

  2. Glad to see you took the time to look up how to say "Buyer Beware" in Latin.

  3. I actually remembered it from BA300 (thanks John Kindt)in an obvious lapse of my horrendous memory, but then had to look it up to make sure I wouldn't look like an idiot in case my memory failed me. Don't say I don't know my latin: Semper ubi sub ubi


As of 02/26/08

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