Thursday, February 7, 2008

1812 Revised

Brilliant news from the gents over at Freakonomics, it appears that New York may no longer be the financial capital of the world - instead being replaced by my very own point of nascence, London.

Now understandably, "the Big Apple" as you yanks seem to call it (I still remember it as New Amsterdam before we relieved it from those silly clog-clappers) does have a higher GDP than my fine City, but much goes into GDP, and if we were to focus primarily on the financial sector, and the resources which endow a financial sector with its virility, look no further than this clearly unbiased study.

Yes, London is even today the financial leader of the world, if only by a nose. Oh, and let's not forget... *cough*

Now, this may have something to do with the globalization of the world's economy. London is simply a more international city than New York, and more foreign companies are choosing to sell on the LSE instead of, say, the "big board." This has much to do with the difficult audit standards set by the colonies' regulatory body, the FASB. It is just too expensive to go through all of that auditing, when one can find the same financial support from a different market.


As of 02/26/08

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