Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The World isn't just GE and Google?

I've forgotten that being a business student and only knowing about the business world form business media, creates a pretty myopic view of the business world. Tom Peters, the "Management Guru"(a term he seems to have much disdain for) discusses how many more people are working in small and mid-size firms than large ones, and how important those firms are, despite largely being under the radar of business media. Thank god for entrepreneurs! Heres the audio clip. Here's the (brief) article from the FT.

On a completely separate issue, if you aren't reading Seth Godin's blog, you should be. I follow nearly 70 blogs on my RSS feed, and although he isn't the most consistent poster (I have Deal Journal, Deal Book, and Lifehacker to thank for drowning me daily in TMI), I most often am sharing his posts, proportionally speaking.

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