Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Bear State

The eight largest economy in the world in 2005 according to the CCSCE(1) , responsible for 13% of the United States GDP, the world’s fifth largest supplier of food and agriculture commodities, home to the aviation and entertainment industry and 21% of the U.S. oil reserves, is the Bear Flag Republic of California. With all these advantages and resources, how is California on the brink of bankruptcy? To understand this you must review California’s state taxes, gargantuan spending habits, and inept politicians.

California’s income and sales tax is the highest in the nation. The income tax is 10.55% while sales tax increased to 9% this past April. Many businesses as well as residents are fleeing the state to California’s tax friendly neighbors, Nevada and Arizona. The graph on the right shows the amount a single individual is taxed at the highest marginal rate. From 2000 to 2007 California lost 1.2 million residents, approximately the size of San Diego, to domestic migration(2). In that same time period California has grown by 7.5%, which equates to 2 million new legal immigrants(3). With California’s high tax rate, the state is taxing the established residents right out of the state.

California’s current budget deficit is $21.3 billion, down from $33.9 billion earlier this year. California has always had budget problems. In 1991, Gov. Pete Wilson faced a $14.4 billion deficit, and in 2003 Gov. Grey Davis received a special election to be kicked out of office because of a $35 billion deficit. Then came Arnold and his $21.3 billion deficit. California deficits seem to come and go with recessions, while the surpluses usually come in good economic times. However, the surpluses always seem minute compared to the deficits. To close the deficit politicians in Sacramento have resorted to budget cuts and accounting gimmicks, and then they asked Californians to vote for a tax hike. It was not well received as you might imagine. The most recent attempt, voted on Tuesday, May 19th, was Propositions 1A, B, C, D, E, and F. All but Prop 1F failed. Prop 1A was for California to set up a rainy day fund, except it allowed state legislature to raid rainy day funds when needed. Prop 1B allowed $9.3 billion from the rainy day fund to be diverted to education. Prop 1C, D, and E allowed the state to raid trust funds and use surpluses to pay current general fund bills. The only proposition to pass was 1F, which blocked pay raises for lawmakers if they failed to balance the budget – finally some accountability. I wonder if Washington is watching? Decidedly not with another $50 billion marked for Grand Misappropriation…whoops, I mean GM. With these measures voted down by California residents, the Govenator is turning to new and creative ways to reduce the budget gap.

The state’s current plan calls for major cuts to education, healthcare and borrowing from municipal governments. This will, however, only get California a third of the way to break-even, maybe halfway if the cuts are large enough. The other half or so will come from bonds, elimination of the Cal grants, and loans from Wall Street, according to Arnold. Arnold was recently in Washington lobbying the Feds to back California’s next $6 billion bond issuance. A Wall Street loan might be too pricey for California which could result in a federal bailout. Can the American people stomach another bailout? Only if Obama wills it. California has also discussed releasing prisoners to save extra money. The last ditch effort calls for selling state infrastructure such as fair grounds and racetracks. My personal favorite is selling the LA Coliseum for $400 million, last appraised in 2001 at $16 million and depreciating. So how does California become Golden once again?

The first step is for California to stop paying for local education. The state currently pays for education from its general budget unlike other states that use local property taxes. Proposition 13 was passed in 1978 placing strict limits on property taxes with those taxes going to local communities. When the proposition passed it reduced property taxes by 57% on average statewide. If Prop 13 gets repealed California could obtain enormous amounts of funding for its school districts and cut primary and secondary education entirely from the budget leaving only higher education. California currently spends about 52-55% of the State General Fund Budget on K-12 and higher education(4). The state can also cut teachers’ salaries and benefits, which currently rank 35% above the national average. But with the Teachers Union running the show in Sacramento it is doubtful that will happen, unless done by federal mandate. Until then Sacramento’s best bet is to break into the U.S. mint in San Francisco and print its own money.

1)Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy, January 2007
2)Demographia State Domestic Migration 2000-2007 December 27, 2007
3)Demographia State Domestic Migration 2000-2007 December 27, 2007

Weekend Commentary

Let me first touch on Treasurys.  Everyone “knows” Treasury prices are going lower because the Treasury is issuing massive amounts of debt to pay for all of its bailouts and to keep the economy afloat.  It is simple Econ 101 supply & demand – the supply of available Treasurys is increasing (and demand is weakening as people fear a downgrade of America’s credit rating and because of heightened inflation worries); therefore, prices will be lower.  But are they already “lower?”  Has the market already taken all of this information into account?  I think it has. 

Benjamin Graham said it best: “While it may seem easy to foresee which industry will grow the fastest, that foresight has no real value if most other investors are already expecting the same thing.  By the time everyone decides that a given industry is ‘obviously’ the best one to invest in, the prices of its stocks have been bid up so high (or low in our case) that its future returns have nowhere to go but down.”  (p. 16-17 of The Intelligent Investor)

You must remember that markets are forward looking and anticipate the future.  See crude oil – prices have risen sharply but demand has yet to pick up.  Given this, I am not surprised at the rebound in Treasury prices Thursday and Friday.  Yields peaked at 3.75% Thursday afternoon and finished the week at 3.47% (bond prices and yields move inversely).  Everyone “knows” the Treasury is going to issue record amounts of debt this year (and probably for the next few years too) but the easy money has already been made.


Now I’ll touch on a piece of information that was completely overlooked Friday.  The Chicago PMI (purchasing managers’ index) was extremely weak.  The May reading was 34.9 compared to 40.1 in April.  The estimate was 42.0.  Any reading below 50 signifies overall business contraction.  I did not hear one person mention this very bearish data and pretty much every asset class rallied Friday in the face of this news.  The economy is still very weak and people are getting ahead of themselves with their second half recovery talk.     


Friday, May 29, 2009

Market Summary: Friday, May 29, 2009

Some links thanks to Dave…

  • The moral of the story is do away with pensions.  401(k)s are less expensive and give people the opportunity to manage money to fit their risk tolerance, and upon retirement to move that money to an IRA and manage it however they want.  The argument about bondholders being diversified and former employees not is dead-on but not in the way he meant it – there is no reason anyone should be solely dependent on any one company (also see Enron – about time we learn from this). 
  • GM/Chrysler checks and balances on the bailouts.  When you need checks and balances you obviously need Ralph Nader (who now lists his title as “consumer advocate”). 
  • Felix one-liner on Treasurys – looks at the moves in the 7- and 10-year over the last two weeks 
  • Just when you think he’s down, Buffett’s Coke round 2? 
  • Still waiting for sorry from Clinton

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Market Summary: Wednesday, May 27, 2009

  • Two great videos covering credit markets, rising Treasury yields, the Fed’s monetary policy, our trade deficit, and other macro economic issues: Video 1, Video 2
  • An in-depth look at malls and why so many are closing
  • A piece on inflation and rising bond yields
  • Home prices are back to “normal” levels but there is still a ton of mortgage debt out there
  • Jeff Macke, one of the talking heads on CNBC, went crazy last week


More chatter on newspapers

Talk over the "death of" the newspaper industry is getting to be a bit worn as it enters its nth week of doom-saying, but I bring it up again because Congress, chaired by John Kerry, who was concerned losing the Boston Globe, has finaly sparked an interest and held a few hearings.

My journalism-student friend who showed me footage of a speaker at the hearings who really impressed me. David Simon, who used to be a reporter for the Baltimore Sun, made an enthralling and insightful speech about his take on the environment, and the many sins of both sides. Mr. Simon doesn't hold the same conflict of interest as current-day newspapermen, having left newspapers in the mid-90sand. He has since gone on to create and write the acclaimed HBO series, The Wire. Sweet.

Check out this video of his full speech here, David is an enthralling speaker.

Unfortunately, despite doing a fantastic job defining the context and urgency of the issue, and fairly painting both sides as to blame, I don't think David Simon offers a feasible solution.

I'll leave the context painting to David, and jump to his 3 proposed solutions, which he gives near the end of his speech. Again, if you're not familiar with the matter, or if you want to get the skinny from someone who can really sum up the entire problem from both sides in a fair and balanced manner, please watch the video.

1. David says
"...a non-profit model intrigues. Especially if that model allows for locally based ownership and control of news organizations. Anything the government can do in the way of creating non-profit status for newspapers should be seriously pursued."

Interesting idea, but how would it work? This seems to conflict with a sentiment he expressed right before saying this - that newspapers should bite any hand that feeds them. Who would own them?Corporations? Wealthy locals? And what local interests would be willing to fund journalism on an international scale?

And what type of non-profit would newspapers be classified as? 501(c)(3) non-profits are strictly prohibited from engaging in politics. I'm classifying newspapers as a 501(c)(4) might work,despite the fact that (c)(4)'s are not allowed to further the private interests of those with financial stakes in them. This happens at public accounting firms, and essentially would mean that folks who work at newspapers can't own stock in anything their newspaper is reporting on whose story they can influence. However, C-4s are at least allowed to lobby and campaign politically. 

Otherwise, Congress could simply write newspapers in as their own new 501(c), the real challenge remains figuring out how to finance the non-profit, all this would do is ease their tax burden.

2. Another of David's ideas: 
"And further, anything that can be done to create financial or tax based incentives for bankrupt or near bankrupt newspaper chains to transfer or donate non-profitable publications to locally based non-profits should also be considered."
A short term solution, not one which is going to do anything but save a few brands and create tax haven for inventive accounting schemes. Such regulation issues could stem far into the future unless you set a real short sunset-clause on such a bill. How many companies that put out "news" or that own subsidiaries that are news organizations do you think will try to take advantage of a hastily drawn bankruptcy loophole in tax law? 

And to what end would this serve, anyway? We are simply handing off a broken business model to some other company who won't know what to do with it. Such scaling back by a new owner would likely follow a Private Equity model, which would break any unions in bankruptcy court, then strip the company of assets and lay off a ton of people, building operations from the ground up again. I doubt this is what anyone has in mind for saving the "industry."

3. Third Simon idea, and this is the big one: 
"Lastly, I would urge congress to consider easing anti-trust prohibitions to that the Washington Post, The New York Times, and various other newspapers can openly discuss protecting copyright from aggregators, and plan an industry-wide transition to a paid, online subscriber base."
Simon says it costs money to maintain the current model sending people places. That's abosultely right, it does cost money to do this, and it will always cost money to do this. But how in the world are you going to prevent people from accessing this information for free? 

Let's look at how things work, currently. Information is released to the public through the website, and the two prevailing ideas are either people pay a flat-rate for all access, or make micro-payments for each article.

WSJOnline works with the flat rate for all access, and hybridizes the model by letting some of it remain free to the public, probably trying to incent new customers to subscribe by giving them a taste, while supporting the free part somewhat through banner ads. I have my doubts on this model, as I have not heard it working too well for WSJ, and nobody else seems to want to try it. Perhaps the micro-payments option could "work" once the infrastructure is in place (i.e., people find it easy and convenient to pay a few pennies to click on a link). This system can and will be developed, and I'm sure if newspapers won't pioneer this technology, amazon or ebay will, as they make the online payment process faster and easier. It's another question entirely as to whether or not customers will buy-in.

However, I think these suggestions are treating a symptom, not the disease. So people aren't paying for newspaper articles online. Fine, there's the symptom. The disease comes from the fact that readers are just getting the information from elsewhere. As David Simon explains, the blogosphere
"does not deliver much first generation reporting. Instead, it leeches that reporting from main-stream news publications whereupon aggregating websites and bloggers contribute little more than repetition, commentary, and froth. Meanwhile, readers acquire news aggregators, and abandon its point of origin, namely the newspapers themselves."
This is not only absolutely true, but describes what our website does in it's entirety!

Can we stop blogs from doing this? Look at how difficult it has been to police illegal music and movie file-sharing. And that's data where the content (i.e. the syntax) doesn't change. Imagine how difficult it would be to police for stolen semantics? That aside, by chasing quotes or hyperlinks alone, our government would need to invest in an incredibly expensive and difficult-to-maintain technological regulation program that would almost certainly infringe on our first amendment rights. In fact, the mere act of policing for everything written in newspapers sounds in itself, to pull from Simon's panoply of references, Orwellian.

This is why, although David Simon can complain and enlighten, he does not deliver a feasible solution. Technology is always going to be disruptive. I'm fully aware how frightening that this time, it is disrupting an important and necessary public good, but that isn't going to turn back the tide.

Is this death of journalism as we know it as bad as everyone assumes it to be? Ask yourself how mediocrity was allowed to flourish prior to the internet, which is what Mr. Simon purports. What do you need to combat that mediocrity? Obviously, newspapers aren't the best answer - otherwise we wouldn't have had an industry which "butchered itself" (Simon's words) in quality. And certainly, this is not a sin of the newspaper industry limited to our times, lest I cite the period of "yellow journalism" at the turn of the 19th century.

Isn't it clear that the best model will come from one which people can describe as important to them as soon as it happens, and which the powers that present the issues can aggregate these concerns and speak about them in one cohesive voice? Mr. Simon recalls when Baltimore newspapers stopped reporting on social services, despite the fact that 50% of adult black males in Baltimore were without a job, or now newspapers were ignoring the Baltimore criminal courts, despite the high degree of crime in the city. Contrast this with Google, which now can literally save lives by tracking when and where spikes of "flu symptom" search queries appear, and notify the CDC or regional health care groups, who can act to combat an outbreak before it becomes an issue. Whatever solution to journalism comes about, if its input is crowd-sourced, it will truly have a finger on the pulse of what people care about. Thic can easily be done by noting what people talk about in a traceable public forum (like the blogosphere and twitter) that would help whatever replaces the current journalism model concentrate its efforts.

Obviously, news does much more than this, by also enlightening its audience on issues people who didn't know they cared about. I don't know how this can be done reliably. However, to the extent that these issues are corruption, I think we can at least start by trying to better frame the problem. I think that journalism fights corruption in places where there isn't enough transparency. The real issue in solving corruption, therefore, must be in increasing transparency. This is something technology is very good at doing.

Lastly, I take issue with Simon's opinion of the quality of the blogosphere - not in terms of how it gets its information, Snow describes our sins with great accuracy there, but rather by the manner in which people treat the writing. I find it quite easy to know when to stop reading a blog post, or a comment on a blog post, as I've developed an eye for a quality argument. There are enough bloggers out there who I have grown to trust and respect who add value even if it isn't first-generation news. I also find it much easier in this new technological environment to do the appropriate fact-checking, or get a contrary opinion. And hopefully, as more data is published on the interenet and search becomes more inteelligent, that fact checking will have to rely less and less on other journalist articles, and more on the real, unbiased data or record (take, for example, what is expected of, especially considering when powerful search tools like Wolfram|Alpha integrate with those services). 

Anyway, the same skepticism over honesty, integrity, and completeness has always held true over newspapers as well. Why else do people complain over Fox News, or say that one does not get a real perspective of a news story unless they read 2 or 3 different papers?

How do we save newspapers? I guess Simon has cited the best ideas the industry has going it - force paid content and imbibe the industry with tax exempt status. Will that actually work in the long run? Doubt it.

Maybe we should be asking how else the world can find out about what is going on...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Market Summary: Tuesday, May 26, 2009

  • Bill Ackman talks about his Target proxy fight and being an activist investor…FANTASTIC, Video 1, Video 2
  • Home prices continue to fall.  Take it with a grain of salt because this data is from March so it’s a little backward-looking.
  • Not everyone is happy with Obama’s appointment to the Supreme Court.
  • Consumer confidence soars and sparks a huge rally on Wall Street.
  • Kim Jong-Il keeps trying to scare the you know what out of everyone.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Are the "Green Shoots" Wilting?

Do you believe what everyone is saying about a second half recovery?  Do you think the worst is behind us?  Do you think we are out of the woods?  Not so fast! 

In early March, when the stock market bottomed, everyone was talking about how Armageddon was upon us.  Now, just two and a half months later, everyone is talking so optimistically about how the economy is recovering nicely.    

This bear market rally – yes, we are still in a bear market and will be for some time – was caused mostly by short covering.  That is, people who were betting stocks would fall reversed their bets when the market turned higher after Citigroup said it was “profitable” the first two months of the year (I’ll touch on the banks’ false profits later).  Some of the worst performers from 2008, which were the most heavily shorted stocks, have led the market higher. 

I am not a buyer of this false rally and all the economic “green shoots.”  Right now, the path of least resistance for stocks is lower because all the “good” news has been priced into stocks.  Everyone is a little too optimistic about a recovery in the near term (I think we will be trending sideways for a long time) even as some economic indicators are worsening. 

The stock market has rallied 31% from its recent low, but it will not go much higher.  Current earnings estimates for the S&P 500 are $56.94 for 2009 and a whopping $73.37 for 2010. (source: Thompson Reuters)  Is it realistic that companies will improve their earnings 29% over the next 18 months?  I do not think so!  Earnings estimates will come down; therefore, stock prices will come down too.  Here’s why: 

1)      Companies are selling assets to raise cash (especially banks) and they will not have the same earnings power going forward.    

2)      Unemployment is expected to go to at least 10%.  Even though initial jobless claims are “stabilizing,” continuing claims hit a new record every week.  As more and more people lose their jobs, spending will decrease causing corporate earnings to decrease. 

3)      Taxes will go up to help offset the government’s massive debt.  Obama already said this is going to happen; it is a matter of when not if.  As personal income taxes go up, the consumer will get pinched and decrease spending.  Corporate taxes will also go up which will cause companies’ bottom lines to shrink.  To offset decreased profits, price increases (inflation) are very likely which will also hurt the already ailing consumer. 

Also, who wants to invest when the government keeps changing the rules and intervening?  First were restrictions for financial companies that took (or, rather, were forced to take) TARP money.  Next were the automakers.  The government should just cut its losses and forget about setting up a government-owned auto company that will buy GM’s “good” assets when it files for bankruptcy.  Ridiculous if you ask me.  Government cannot run government.  How is it going to run an auto company?  Now it is the credit card companies and new legislation preventing rate hikes when people miss their payments (in no way, though, am I saying what credit card companies were doing was right).    

Let me briefly touch on the banks’ “false” profits.  Goldman Sachs (GS) reported better than expected earnings because it shifted its fiscal calendar so December results were not included in its most recent earnings release.  GS had a $780 million after-tax loss in December that will go largely ignored. (source: Citigroup and Bank of America were profitable because they were able to book “gains” (thanks to mark-to-market accounting rules) as their CDS spreads deteriorated.  Basically, they lowered the value of the liabilities on their books and this reduction was treated as a gain on the income statement. (source:   

That is enough negativity for now.  Let’s focus on some positives.  Below are some recent fundamental improvements in the economy. 

1)      Banks have been able to raise capital successfully in the equity market to meet the government’s stress test requirements.  Many of these offerings have been over-subscribed – a sign that investors have a higher appetite for risk.  Most notably, Bank of America raised $13.5 billion, Wells Fargo raised $8.6 billion, Morgan Stanley raised $4 billion, and U.S. Bancorp raised $2.5 billion. (source: 

2)      Banks are not afraid to lend to one another anymore.  The overnight LIBOR rate currently sits at 0.46%, down from its high of 4.82% after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. (source:   

3)      Corporations have been able to issue debt.  Recently, Microsoft issued $3.75 billion and Wal-Mart issued $1 billion.  However, only companies with the most pristine balance sheets have been able to access the debt market. (source:    

4)      IPOs have started to pick up again after being non-existent for some time.  There were 296 IPOs in 2007, 57 IPOs in 2008, and eight so far this year.  Seven of the eight IPOs this year have taken place after the market bottom in early March. (source: 

5)      Mortgage rates are still near historic lows even as yields on longer term Treasurys have steadily risen.  The average 15-year fixed rate mortgage is 4.64% and the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage is 5.00%. (source: Yahoo! Finance)    

6)      Commodity prices are rebounding with the biggest gains coming in the energy complex.  Gasoline futures are up 132% from their late-December low of $0.785 and crude oil futures are up 89% from their mid-December low of $32.40.  Demand from the emerging markets remains strong as they avoided a lot of this financial mess, and OPEC is talking about cutting production again.  There is also talk that the “evil” speculators are back and they are the reason prices have rallied so strongly. (source:  

Even though there may be signs that the economy is “not as bad” as before or that it is “stabilizing” (two phrases that I hate and hear way too often on television), there are many fundamental problems that remain.  Do not get caught up in the media’s effort to talk-up the stock market or the economy.  If you turn your head to the problems that still exist, like the media is doing, you will get burned when everyone finally realizes we are not out of the woods just yet.           

As of 02/26/08

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