Monday, August 25, 2008

Ballad of a Thin Man

For all those Bob Dylan fans, here's Mr. Jones' take on the economy

Friday, August 1, 2008

Back from London

Well I'm back from my 1 month work rotation in London, so I'll be posting again and trying to get out of this summertime slump.

In the mean time, here is a really short op piece about Mr. Bernanke's situation. It's a pretty insightful commentary on the behavioral side of economic predictions and the market movements that happen in result.

There's no need to describe the article, as it is only a few paragraphs long to begin with. I think this only shows how erratic and unfounded so much of this market analysis really is. It's already difficult enough to analyze objectively the condition of an economy, due to the bluntness of our models, and the limits of data penetration. But when one incorporates simple psychology, and how Wall Street and Bernanke are, on one level, playing mind games with each other, I wonder how anyone can say with any confidence that the market is reacting to reality.

These past two years makes me think Wall Street lives in its own convoluted universe, which skips blindly like a spinning stone over the real world, occasionally changing direction when the natural laws of reality pull it back to Earth.

As of 02/26/08

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